Video Message: Global Health Gets Out the Vote

The most important action anyone in the US can take at this moment to address the global health challenges we are facing is to vote now and ask your friends, family and colleagues to do the same. Please forward this message to your networks and LET’S GET OUT THE VOTE!

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Defunding the WHO: An Assault on the World’s Poor

PRESS RELEASE | FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE President Trump’s efforts to expedite defunding the World Health Organization’s operations should be of great concern to all US lawmakers and the American public regardless of their political stripe. Diseases do not recognize borders or a person’s politics. They are equal opportunity threats that kill and maim whoever is…

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Introducing the Abstract Advising Program

New for the 12th Annual CUGH Conference (March 12-14, 2021), the CUGH Education Committee, Research Committee, and Secretariat are piloting an Abstract Advising Program to connect early-career CUGH and AFREhealth members (advisees) with more experienced CUGH and AFREhealth members (advisors). Once linked, the advisor and advisee will work together in a focused interaction to improve…

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Defending the Right To Vote Is Defending Public Health – CUGH Releases The National Campaign, “Global Health Votes”

PRESS RELEASE | FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH), the world’s largest consortium of academic institutions addressing global health challenges just released “Global Health Votes” (GHV).  This national campaign is focused on mobilizing the hundreds of thousands of health workers and scientists across the United States to vote and ask…

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The US Defunding and Departing from the WHO is a Threat to Global Security

A commentary published on June 15, 2020 by Johns Hopkins Nursing Magazine underscored the danger of the US decision to depart from the World Health Organization. The authors included: Dr. Keith Martin (Executive Director, Consortium of Universities for Global Health); Dr. Patricia Davidson (Dean, School of Nursing, Johns Hopkins University, Co-Secretary General World Health Organization Collaborating Centers…

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See How the CDC is Saving Lives

View COVID-19 Videos on the CDC The official CDC page has all of the COVID-19 related videos in one place. Several are in Spanish, but most are in English. Most of these videos are educational. See the latest video focused on CDC efforts in Central America. View CDC Global Health Videos – CDC in Action…

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